Is a lunge considered a one-legged Squat?

Event Date

Sep 05, 2024


did we hit the lake?  Not today.  Did we make it to Elevation Church?  Not today.  We took the Greenway from along Route 73 northerly into Robins Park, did a loop and turned back, all with plenty of exercises along the way.   We did a nice arm circle effort, some Parker Peters, Man Maker Merkins.  The most important were the alternating one legged squats, some know as lunges.  

Cubicle brought his dog which is wonderfully cute, but do not reach to pet it.  It gets a little nippy until it warms to you, then its ascute and lovable as a dog can get!

Pray for my friend Pete who has prostrate cancer.  Get your PSA checked.

Cubicle took us out at the COT.
