Is Cadence a Requirement to Q?

Fifteen men came out to Gladiator this morning to see if the Q would in fact die (per the PB) after a week of lazing at the beach. YHC arrived early to distribute some coupons while Ponch ran laps in the parking lot. Turnpike and Crocs were also out somewhere completing their own standard. There was a fly-by from Jedi who had better things to do then hang out with yours truly. At 0530, with almost the entire crowd present, we began our mosey around the church.


We moseyed behind the family center where we stopped for SSH x25 IC (and to allow a few late stragglers to catch up). We continued on to the back entrace by the roundabout and stopped for IST x20 IC. Then we ran up Stumptown to the traffic light for Slow Squats x11 IC thanks to mumblechatter from Titan and Crocs throwing me off my game momentarily. From there, it was down the entrace road to the intersection in the lot for slow Windmill x5 IC and then to the far end of lot for Long Snappers x5 IC as well. With a loop under out belts, we grabbed a block and assembled in the back corner.


A 3-station circuit was waiting on the pax:

  • Slam Ball x10 (timer)
  • Jump Rope
  • Battle Rope

YHC called out an exercise (Curls) which the rest of the pax were to perform AMRAP while I ran to the slam ball and threw it down 10x. When I was done, the next pax (Ponch) would call out an exercise, then run to the slam ball for his 10 reps while I ran to the jump rope and jumped until Ponch arrived to take over. Next I ran to the battle rope for bilateral waves until Ponch replaced me after which I returned to the throng of pax to pick up with the current AMRAP exercise. I can’t recall every exercise called, but I do remember Titan being the last to run the circuit and calling for Murder Bunnies on the first round and Blockies on the 2nd. For this he has been banned from all future Blackbeard workouts (ok, not really).


Following a 2nd round, we returned the blocks and ran to the school then circled back for the six. Once everyone arrived at the school, we assumed a People’s Chair and — because YHC was critiqued for attempting to bypass cadence calling — called cadence for Air Press x15 IC, Air Traffic Controller x15 IC, and Touch ‘dem Heels x15 IC. We recovered from People’s Chair and followed it up with Praying Mantis’ x15 IC which took us to 0614 and just enough time to return to the cars for COT (Mary was accounted for during the circuit course).


  • I was surprised to see Bel-Air, but apparently he figured out how to check the website calendar
  • I totally botched Tiny Dancer’s name during COT. He’s a MECA transfer and was in high gear through most of the workout
  • Crocs and Titan got a challenge from The Force to see who could run their mouth the most during the workout
  • We need to get Macarena, Tiny Dancer and Bel-Air registered on the site. Who’s going to be first?
  • As usual, I was hoping for at least 6 men to post with me today and then was blown away by the double digit turnout — thanks for the fantastic comraderie!


