Is Football CSAUP?

Booted from the soccer fields at BRP, we moved to the beautiful new field at Bailey Middle. After a brief warmup and a failure to line up from tallest to shortest YHC randomly assigned teams. Moses tried to lodge a formal complaint about the teams not being fair, but his teammate Springfield reassured him they were more than fair. The team breakdown is below:

Team No hat  – Moses, Titan, Springfield, Mayhem, Kosar, MacBeth

Team Red hatJersey Boy, Swing State, Vinegar Bend, Ramrod, Rooter, Cousin Eddie

All-time QB –The Hall Monitor

Right before kickoff we were booted by off Bailey Middle by more soccer teams and relocate to the grass field in the shadows of Hough's stadium. 

Game log:

– Making The Hall Monitor all-time QB may have been the best call of the day as he continued to deliver on target and on time all game long. He requested his name be changed to Fed Ex but was shot down.

– The tackling was two hand touch, but the tone was anything but as Ramrod pancaked an unsuspecting MacBeth on the opening kickoff.

– One of the first plays from scrimmage Springfield scored on a deep route over the top. This was the first of many long bomb TDs to Springfield, who was named the game's MVP.

– Not to be outdone by Springfield, Rooter answered on several long TDs of his own

– Jersey Boy, a true possession receiver, led the way in number of diving catches

– Kosar did the Browns proud. Sneakers on a wet field are a problem. I'll leave it at that. 

– Cleats on a wet field can also be a problem, as Moses found out. I think the common factor is the wet field. While successfully making the juke of the game, Moses's cleats caught and his knee took a funny turn. It didn't look or sound good. Fortunately F3's newest resident PT, Cousin Eddie, was there to straighten things out. Moses was eventually able to make it off the field under his own power and drive home. Hoping for the best Moses, keep us updated.

– Cousin Eddie continues to show up in style. His attendance has been so impressive, Titan is already targeting him as an MQ. Look for his VQ coming soon to an AO near you.

– With Moses out, play resumed. The Hall Monitor joined team No Hats and Vinegar Bend took over at QB for the Red Hatters. Vinegar Bend gets his name for a reason, showing a lovely left handed touch in driving his team down for a score.

– Ramrod used his body all over the field, throwing blocks, boxing out on receptions and even gently nudging receivers on deep routes, causing them to collide with one another and THM to throw his first interception. "Unintentional" contact can do wonders for a defense.

– Speaking of physical, MacBeth. I think his favorite part of the game are the kickoffs where he can look for people to engage in a rugby type scrum

– Titan does not like it when YHC puts his hands down his pants. Warmth is warmth brother and I know of no better place. 

– Mayhem showed up early (for the standard) and often over the course of the day, doing what he does best- bringing the chatter and all out effort

– YHC has no clue on the final score, but outside of the Moses knee episode we all had fun and both teams played hard. God bless and good night.