Is it a birthday party if the birthday boy doesn’t show up?

Event Date

Aug 03, 2024


9 PAX gathered this morning to celebrate the 50th birthday of one of our most renowned and beloved PAX members. We gathered at Bedrock excited to celebrate; Kid Rock brought a piñata all the way from Ireland (or Miami), Omega brought party hats, Mulligan brought the cake, Moses brought Pin the tail on the Donkey, Shadow brought the balloons, Thug brought chains? (not sure why), Skipper drove all night with the ice cream and Cubicle brought the punch. Only one problem our birthday boy didn’t show up. What happened? Seems YHC just assumed that after he posted 5 straight days for the birthday boy Q’s the birthday boy might join YHC this morning? Never ass/u/me, lessened learned. Now onto the work that was done.

We worked; warm-up, burpees, run, bands and stretch, all done on football field so we where all covered in sweat and little black rubber specs! Everyone pushed hard and worked on body parts we forgot we still had. 
Appreciate everyone’s efforts and work this morning.
Special prayers for Moses’s son Jacob whose wife is having their first child a little early after a complicated last few weeks. Hopefully Moses is or will soon be a Grandfather!

We gathered for coffee and I’m pretty sure the cloth seats we all sat on will never be the same.

”Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with goodness.” St.P
