Is it Fireball or is it T.O.B.?

Fireball kinda, sorta, but not really still happens. It still launches from Bailey Road Park on Mondays but the start times vary so you have to pay attention to Twitter. The Fireball route is still the same but lately, at least the last two weeks, it has been co-opted by Project T.O.B. (Want to know what T.O.B. means? Ask Free Pass). So, if you show up to Fireball you run the risk of being forced to run fast, just ask Swamp Thing.

Little Finger is the MQ so he calls the time, this morning it was 0545 with The Standard at 0515. He was forced to work late and just after midnight turned over the keys to Project T.O.B. which meant everyone was going to run fast…not hard for the guys that showed up.

We did a 20-minute warmup, a 24-minute tempo through my future neighborhood, then a 15ish minute cool down. We were motivated once again by the sign that hangs on the side of Hough High, "You Got This, Seniors".

We had fun as we do every Monday at Fireball. If you haven't been, you need to come to see what you're missing. Just follow Little Finger on Twitter so you know what time to show and maybe get an idea of what is going to happen.


