Is That All You Have For A Weinke?

The forecast called for rian in the morning, but there was no sign of any as a group of 19 emerged to work out.  

We did a little mosey from the parking lot to the lot behind the school and circled up

Warm up consisted of SSH, IST, CP, and TS

Next we partnered up and grabbed a block from the ones that were already set in the parking lot as if by chance.  Although this was a simple layout it kept our heart rates up and worked our bodies.

P1 runs length of parking lot and back while P2 performs exercise.  Flip flop.  Perform two rounds on each exercise.

Arm Swings

High Pull

Overhead Press


Goblet Squat

Lawn Mower

Skull Crushers

Bent Over Row



Put blocks back and head to lot for Mary

LBC, WWII Sit Ups, Box Cutter, and Low Flutter

Although Roadie was not impressed with all the running and all I had for a weinke, everyone worked hard, sweated, and burned some calories.


It was an honor to lead.  Thank you to all that came out, to Auto for sticking around after you found out I was the Q, and to Roadie for asking me to Q.