Is that FALL in the air?

Good thing we have 3 MQs at this AO – two are currently sidelined with injuries: Jazzy due to Waterskiing, Deep Dish due to kicking ass and taking names at his Krav Maga class.

We gathered and when Greyhound arrived at 05:29:59 it was time to go.

Head to the flagpole for the pledge since Deep Dish has the shovel flag.


  • A lap around the lot – SSH, IST, Windmill, Longsnappers, Stretchy Stretch, Mountain Climbers.


  • Using the parking lot lines we shuffled our way through the parking spaces.  Down to the curb, shuffle right, backwards to the end of the next line, repeato until you get to the end of the lot.  Start when the PAX in front of you is done with one parking space.  Not sure if this was a basketball drill or if we were defensive backs.  Whatever it was – we looked athletic.
  • Indian Run to the main entrance of the park, hang a right and head for the rock pile.
  • Assorted Rock exercises with a run to the corner and back in between rounds.
  • Head towards the neighborhood.  As we traversed the road to the back of the park we stopped thrice to honor Jazz Hands: each stop included a series of Apollo Onos, Mericans and Squats.
  • Head to the back wall – for some People’s Chair with arm exercises x 2
  • Muhammad Ali’s x 15 IC
  • Indian Run back to the launch pad
  • Stop for another round of parking space shuffles – this time going right to left.  There was discussion as to whether this evened things out, or if it undid what we had done earlier.  Goat appreciated the symmetry of bookending the workout with the shuffles.  Bonus Q points.
  • The park cameras caught several PAX stepping on the lines during the shuffles – penalty for all: 5 burpees OYO


  • Plank – Down Dog – Pigeon Series – OH YEAH
  • Big Baby Crunches
  • Low Flutters
  • Pretzel Crunch
  • Dying Cockroach


  • Heal up Deep Dish and Jazzy
  • Good to have Mayhem out and about – don’t be a stranger brother.  
  • Prayers of thanks for this community of men and all that goes with being a part of F3.

Always an honor and a pleasure – 
