Is The Stove On?

Event Date

May 17, 2019

FNG is The Force's 2.0 Zaire (sp?)

With a huge match up for QvQ going down at The Foundry today I was unsure what type of gathering we would have.  Luckily some PAX joined in.

The Force showed up stating he was very tired and sore and requested to stay in one spot for the workout.  Lucky for him I had that planned.  No running was to happen today. 

Quick warmup with SSH, CP, IST

1 minute intervals with 15 second breaks inbetween

The List:

  • Goblet Squat
  • Lawn Mower (1 minute each arm)
  • Single Arm Shoulder Press (1 minute each arm)
  • Chest Loaded Swing
  • Curls
  • Shoulder Halo
  • Hip Halo
  • Skull Crushers
  • Figure 8 around legs
  • Single Arm Squat Press (1 minute each arm)
  • Overhead reverse lunge (1 minute each side)
  • Sumo Squat with High Lift
  • Swing

Got almost through 2 rounds.  Definitely a shoulder burner.  Oh and speaking of burning, The Force shared with us a domestic issue he is having with his M.

He needs to know how to get her to turn the stove off after using it.  He is extremely grateful she does all the cooking, but has a tendancy to leave the burner on low and forget to turn it off.

Many ideas were formulated from passive aggressive texts, sticky notes, and signs, to applying a shock collar.  

I am sure he will come to a cautious but assertive solution lol.

It was a great day as we were able to carry on much mumblechatter listen to some 80's hip hop while working through the list.  Good to be working the muscles and cutting down on the running.

Thank you all for joining adn having a good time!