Is there a count?

As 5 PAX (Gnarly Goat, Omega, Airstream, Hippie and Caesar) went off to do a run workout = makeup Horseshoe, the remaining 12 PAX did anything but a running workout. Well maybe a Mosey in there somewhere 🤷🏼‍♂️

Mosey to the Yoga Studio parking lot for:


Warm O Roma – SSH IC X 10, arm circles both directions, neck rolls both directions, windmill slow IC X 10, long snapper IC X ??? (most PAX stopped at 13), chin to the knee for 5 count hold, IST IC X 10, Toy Soldiers IC X 10. Mosey to the nearest rock pile (some PAX didn’t know where that was 🤷🏼‍♂️). Q is loosing control already 😕

Partner up and find a medium sized rock for:

Dora – Partner 1 does 100 curls, 100 overhead presses while partner 2 does 20 step-ups, then switch. Once completed Partner 1 does 200 chest presses while Partner 2 does 15 inclined Mericans, then switch.

Grab some wall for people’s chair while landing the plane IC X 10, praying Mantis IC X 10, another round of people’s chair while do Air presses IC X 10. 

Grab some retaining wall (or flower box containers?) for wall dips X 10 count, step-ups OYO X 20, repeato.

Circle up for core work and Mericans – LBCs IC X 15, core rotation both sides, core rotation plus leg extensions both sides, Mericans X 10, the W IC X 10, dieing cockroach IC X 10, Mericans X 10 

More Dora – partner 1 squats while Partner 2 runs the parking lot Island, the switch for 2 rounds each. Rocks back 

Grab some curb for Rocky Balboas IC X 15, curb Mericans slow IC X 5, Inclined curb Mericans X 10. Mosey back to launch.

Circle up for Mericans X 10, mobility Moment of pigeon both legs, Mericans X 10.

Recover, recover 

All in all the 12 PAXs should have done either 95 or 105 Mericans, but who was counting??? 🤷🏼‍♂️ For the 100 Mericans a day challenge.

Announcements – Soccer at Bedrock this Saturday.  Christmas in July Charity Fundraiser for Little Smiles at Lost Worlds between 3-6pm. Charity Fundraiser for mental health issues, please see Hippie for full details.

Prayers – Leaders of our country. PAX S’mores for Pulmonary issues. 

Great turnout for Coffeeteria. Standing room only in Starbucks.