Is there a word for when the Q pukes?

Great showing today by the 14 PAX at the Mad Scientist, something to do with the bluetooth connection to the speaker messed up the name-o-rama recording, so YHC listed who he remembered. There will be some sore forearms and fingers tomorrow. The parking garage is a perfect playground for pain, and the PAX felt it one level at a time. The PAX showed what F3 is made of. With sweat running down their faces they gave the Camp Gladiator crew a picture of what pushing yourself looks like. No yoga mats for these guys. 


The Thang:

Fast mosey to the top, ie race to the top.

SSH x10



Run down the stairs to the basement

Partner up and grab blocks

Farmers carry up each level alternating partner


X10 block burpees

X20 air squat


*Show off for Camp Gladiator*

X10 shoulder touch dercan

X30 low flutter


X10 curl

X20 lunges


X10 Shoulder Press

X20 maktar jai


X10 curl

X40 low flutter


X10 scull crusher

X20 air squats

Repeato down

Audible called 3 levels down for time, farmers carry all the way to the basement.

Mini burpee Murican sandwich and run the stairs.



Master PO – Mason Twists

Scrappy – 1 arm partner pulls

Bunyan – Burpees IC

Burner – Homer to Marge with Low Dolly and one legged low dollies.

Run up stairs and down the decks

Recover Recover


Another Q down for YHC at the Mad Scientist. I love this AO, thanks Labon for the opportunity again. This was not the most inspired workout, but a tough one for sure. Luckily there was an uneven number of PAX, so YHC got to farmers carry every level of the deck. I don't know if it was that, the 30lb flak jacket, or how much beer and tequila that was drank last night, but I left a few good piles of preworkout drink and last nights chicken chilli in the parking deck. I have been saying I want to make someone puke, it just so happens that it was me. 

The VIP today was without a doubt Peach Pit. He crushed the workout. I wish I had that kind of motivation at that age to wake up at the crack of dawn and carry cinderblocks up and down a parking garage. 

So many strong PAX this morning. Everyone crushed it.Burners ability to do Homer to Marge variations is insane. Scrappy was unstoppable on the runs, and did a little extra credit bear crawl for the ladies. I guess Bunyan didn't have enough burpees, and called them IC. That's a tough cadence. 

Lot's of suffering in silence, the mumble chatter was low, but I did here some BS calls. 

We will do another game show themed workout real soon! I have some fun ideas in the works. Till next time!