Is This Excelsior?

Event Date

Sep 29, 2020


8 pax set sail into the darkness with one headlamp and a lot of questions.

FNG1 is 33 


The Thang:

Mosey to the top parking lot


15 IC Imperial Storm Trooper

Oh here comes 66

10 IC Windmill Sloooow

15 IC Long Snappers

15 IC Plank Jack

15 IC Mountiain Climbers

Lets Go

To Bradley Middle School Entrance

10 Jump ups OYO

10 Dips

Bear Crawl to Pole for Peoples Chair and 10 IC Air Press

Repeto x 2 

To the track and grab a block first

10 IC Curls

10 IC Skull Crushers

To the corner of the track ( yes it is an oval but it has corners) 

Corner 1 10 IC Merkins

Corner 2 10 IC Merkins

Corner 3 10 IC Merkins

Sprint to Corner 4 to the Blocks

10 IC Curls

10 IC Skull Crusher

Back to the corners

Corner 1 20 Squats OYO

Corner 2 20 Squats OYO

Corner 3 20 Squats OYO

Sprint to Corner 4 Blocks

10 IC Curls

10 IC Skull Crushers

Corner 1 10 CCD OYO

Corner 2 10 CDD OYO

Corner 3 10 CDD OYO

Sprint to Corner 4


10 IC Pretzel Crunch each leg

12 IC Jack Knife Crunch each Leg

Recover Recover

The Fun Stuff:

Per Ususal Snake Eyes rolled in on 2 wheels but made it in the nick of time but 66 and 33 were just late and owes us 20 penelty Burpees.

The Workout started out like  Excelsior and the pax was worried. Especially Force as he was missing his Kettle Bell.

33 was killing it on the Sprints. The old men had nothing on this youngster

It was nice of 66 to go with the small block today so 33 didnt feel left out. What a DAD!

Black Eye Pea well we will just say he has some work to do for the P200. There is plenty of time though. It will fun to see the progress.

Snake Eyes is getting sneaky fast. Good thing we got hime for the P200

Hoff we are deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your best friend. We are hear for you! Anything you need you can count on us. 

Thank you Mona for letting me lead these fine men today. As always a great group of guys to start the day. ISI