Is this too late?

11 men stepped into the halflife gloom and a 12th joined half way through.  The plan was (relatively) simple.  Run 1.1 miles to the guardshack at the entrance to the retirement village, run a mile at 5k/10k pace, recover out to Hough and back for 800m, then repeat 2 more times before returning to start. 

Kachow recieved #fakenews info and arrived at the BRP parking lot at 5:30 assuming the group would assemble back there after a warmup #standard.  However, that was not the case and he proceeded to search down the group in the retirement village.  After scaring Ethel and Girtrude out of their mumu's on the left side of the village, he eventually happened on the group on the right side and fell into a very quick stride. 

Garcia had the course record on the 1 mile loop for about 2.5 min until YHC's russian powered ultragarmin uploaded a 1 second better time.  He was totally robbed here since he really did finish first.  (don't tell anyone)

Welcome back MASH from a 2 year break from F3.  We look forward to seeing you next week. 

Everyone put in some great effort out there today.  The training is paying off guys!

