Island Hopping…….Samson Style!!

Event Date

Oct 17, 2019


Brrrrrrr! Its a bit cold out here today!!!  Arrived to an empty parking lot today and partially confirmed what I suspected last night which was that I had a sneaky suspiscion that I may be the only one at the workout today.  Pleased to see some regulars roll in right on time and we got too it.  Spent a bit talking during warm up about the cooler temperatures so we decided a trip to visit the islands at Samson was in order.  Here is how it went down…..


Short mosey and then: SSH x 10IC; CP x 10 IC; IST x 10 IC; TS x 10IC; WM X 10 IC

The Thang:

Round 1 Exercises were Merkins; WW2 SitUp; Squats:

Do 5 reps of each and run around first parking lot island

Do 10 reps of each and run around second parking lot island

Do 15 reps of each and rund around third parking lot island

Do 20 reps of each and run around 4th parking lot island

Do 25 reps or each and run around 5ht parking lot island

Round 2 Exercises were Plank Jacks; LBC; Single Leg Lunge


Hey!  We got a little time left!!  Partner up and d0 5 handslap merkins/5LCBs; 10HSM/10LCB; 15HSM/15LCB; 20HSM/20LCB; Mosey around the islands again…….5 over unders/5 jump squats/10 over unders


10 jump squats


Great work today men!!  Prayers out to Carpetbaggers wife to find a way thru her health issue; prayers out ot my coworker to find a solution to her health issue; prayers out to Mona and his family as well…….Sometimes life throws us come curve balls men!!  Stay strong, stay confident, and believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Even a sliver of light is hope!!!  Never lose that!!!

Until next time!
