Island of Misfit Toys

Event Date

Apr 04, 2016

Extra Credit Ruck (2.5ish?):  Wingman – 20 and 30 plate, Bagboy  – 30 plate and copy of TV Guide…because old people.  Lex decided to skip the Ruck Standard because of the Tarheel championship game tonight.  BS was called as he will not be in uniform nor have a single shining moment.  Captain America had his M send an absence note saying that he was tired from WATCHING HER run the Charleston 10k.  BS call seems like a light sentence for this one, so Bagboy has been given the green light on driving across his lawn for next offense – it is a more direct route anyway.  

Look to Squiggy for your example here – runs to the workout, runs home, perfect attendance.  I will join you one day when I am not carrying 600lbs of crapola.  

The Island of Misfit Toys is likely to be a fixture at River Monster, and one that everyone should attend at least once.  I think once a month is about all my suspension can handle, as I load up the sedan with all the heavy/odd stuff I can cram in.  This is the model for RM – odd objects that strangely work your core and cardio as they shift around a bit whilst hoisting.  We line em up along the sidewalk of the island lot and spend a little cuddling with each.  


We did some stretchy-movey things in cadence just to make it official, but I am beginning to subscribe to Bogey's philosophy…coffee is for warming up (and closers for that matter).


The plan was to spend 50 seconds AMRAP  at each station with 10 seconds to get up to next and get set (about 10-15 feet apart)  Then down/back/down sprints of the lot to get to the other end.  We will try to install a hand crank tram in the future, to alleviate any of that running stuff.  Standard deviation on timing was about 8 seconds per station.  YHC may have lingered a few seconds on the "easy" ones and expedited rotation on the ugly ones.  

Stations (to memory, Weinke sweat smeared and useless after initial walk through):  

Battle Ropes –  alternating or doubles…just make em squiggle for a minute however possible

Kettle Bell –  goblet squats

Slam Ball…slams, what else?

Cinder Blocks – plyo-mericans

Sloshpipe – curls

Kettle Bell –  swings

Sandbag (60) – logger slams

Cinder Block – bent row

*Sledge Hammer – swings 

Sloshpipe – lunges

Kettle Bell – power to the people 

Sandbag (60) – squats

Cinder Block – overhead press

**Iron Pumpkin  – shouldering

* Denotes removal after round 1, due to obliteration of strike pad (aka rubber mulch zip tied in leg of old fatboy jeans).

**Denotes removal after round 1 because eff that!  Disclaimer was stated, but hernias were not part of the plan.  

We made it through about 2 rounds of pain before it was time to put the toys back in the toybox. Amazed at how well the pax picked up the "watch the guy in front of you for preview of next station" plan, because memorization would have been tough and my handwriting is worse, so no signs – Kobains.  

Mary consisted of 20 WWII situps (thanks for leading sauce).  Recover Recover.  


1. Keep Duval and family in your thoughts and prayers.

2. Great to see Special Sauce out there for a guest appearance (normally FIAed on Mondays) – I hope you enjoyed the format, and it wasn't to rough on the tweaked back.  

3. Thor (it might be "Thorpe" – wasn't 100% on the name, should have confirmed).  Both heroes, one fiction one non.  Regardless, big strong dude with a good work ethic – seemed to thrive at this AO – come back soon.  

4. Squiggy – again, perfect wheel-free attendance must be commended and always crushes it.  I see a RM – Q in your future.

5. Lex/Captain/Bagboy – you are my clown car crew – you get more crap because I love ya.  

6. Always an honor to lead great men.