Isotope SLT January Meeting

14 of the finest men from Isotope and Denver met to discuss the current state of Isotope and initiatives to accelerate the pax and invigorate male community leadership in 2022 and beyond. Here is their story:



  • Meeting Purpose:  This is the first meeting of the Isotope SLT as currently constructed.  Note the “F3 LKN” region, which formerly consisted of 5 Sub-Regions, had a board which has since been dissolved. 
  • F3 Nation Update
    • Mid-Southeast Sector – December Call
    • F3 Foundation – Give to Give Campaign
  • ?Finance / Taxes – Update on Current Status
    • Tax refund on expenses back through 2015 – tax svcs, xmas party, marketing – have filed for this return, TBD on when we will receive
    • Dissolved F3 Isotope LLC at end of 2021
    • Connecting with Scratch and Win to discuss F3 Isotope earmark
    • Currently receive ~$100/mo royalties on T-shirt. Will be transfering to F3F.


Looking Ahead: Invigorating Male Community Leadership

  • Shared Leadership Team | Planned Succession – Who’s next?
    1stF:                    Popcorn
    2ndF:                   Hippie
    3rdF:                    9 Lives
    Weasel Shaker:   The Force
    Expansion:          Honeysuckle Blue
    Website:              Roadie / Slingshot
    Comz:                  Nair
    CSAUP:               Turnpike
    Marketing:           Omega
    Nantan:               DonHo
  • Each pax brought forth the names of men that are ready to step up and lead; either to take over their current role, a different role, or an initiative discussed

  • Cherry Bomb, Swing State, and Hefty were invited as optional to the meeting for their input

  • Wins & Fails | Opportunities & Hurdles

    • ?Each pax shared recent wins and fails in addition to future opportunities and hurdles

  • Looking Ahead: 2022 Overall Direction | Opportunities

    • What will our legacy be from this SLT? 
    • What’s a coordinated effort we can undertake to grow our region?
    • We discussed a number of ideas, events, and opportunities from there including:

      • Data / Metrics: Can we capture which neighborhoods we have or don’t have a concentration of Pax in and which schools their kids attend. With the rise in gun violence, for example, it would be beneficial to know who we could deploy from surrounding neighborhoods for events like Sweet C runs at Grand Oak Elementary. Similarly, it would make it easier for a targeted effort to communicate volunteer opportunities to pax proximate to the opportunity.
      • Strategic Partnerships: Drive community awareness through partnerships with non-profits, local gov't, churches, schools, service organizations, etc 
      • Give it away: Embrace and take ownership of our roles. We should be looking to pass the baton while still energetic in our roles. Then once ready and have identified the "right guy," take the time to transition that role the right way


  • Action Items:

  • [All SLT]  Reach out to Don Ho if interested in attending a Mid-Southeast Sector Nantan call. 
  • ?[Hippie]  Link for Pax to sign up to receive the F3 Nation Newsletter.
  • [Don Ho]  Inquire on next Nantan call how other regions cover their website costs.
  • [Roadie / Slingshot]  Remove the ‘Wolf Den’ AO from the calendar. 
  • [Don Ho]  Reach out to Jimmy O about Danke Schoen, who we haven’t seen in a while.
  • [Don Ho]  Create a Twitter Group with SLT members to discuss items between meetings.
  • [Hippie]  Connect with Lego on a Daddy / Daughter roller skating event.
  • [Slingshot / Turnpike]  If an Excel template can be deployed to capture Backblasts created prior to Dec 2015 (I.E. on the old F3 Nation website, since archived), Turnpike and Slingshot to investigate whether these can be uploaded to the new website easily.  Note this may prove to be too time consuming for the return.
  • [All SLT]  Don Ho shared a Google Drive doc for everyone to fill in their role description.  Suggestion is to keep it on the simple side. Communicate current SLT roles to the greater pax via Twitter once confirmed.
  • [All SLT]  Agree on date / time for next meeting, ideally in March. 


  • Thanks to all the members of the SLT that joined the meeting in person or after the fact and for their insights and comments. Thanks to Turnpike for taking extremely detailed notes. If you are a pax that is interested in joining a future meeting or you have questions on any of the above, please reach out to a current member of the Isotope SLT. 
  • Next meeting will be on a Sunday evening in mid-March and will be updated here once scheduled.
  • Thanks to the pax for your constant encouragement, motivation and leadership. Until the next time…

Don Ho