It ain’t called Sweat Shop for nothin’

Event Date

Jul 04, 2020

Also STP 


SSH, imperial walker, squats, side lunges, merkins, 5 penalty burpees for Thorpe being late (although best for everyone that he was), stretching

The Thang

Mosey to oval parking lot off Griffith St

10 merkins I/C at one end, 20 squats at the other

Then 10 wide merkins I/C, 20 squats

Then 10 diamond merkins I/C, 20 squats

Mosey to top of Depot St

10 merkins I/C at the top, run down and across and up Sloan for 20 squats. Oh, and do 5 burpess every time to hit the midpoint in between. 

Mosey to Aida Jenkins

lunge walk to half court, do 10 merkins, run to base line and run back to starting base line, repeato, repeato.

time for some ab work

LBC 15 I/C, knee raises, low flutter, freddy mercury, high flutter, leg raises all 10 I/C

Mosey back to the green for around the circle pick your poison for 10 reps I/C 

Went around the circle twice plus two before the bell rang. 


was told i sucked multiple times. thank you for the kind words for those who offered them. 

started to see some of the pax fade so skipped the last set of burpess at the second AO. but then did them when we got back to the green. Your welcome. 

STP lost the ability of functional cognitive processessing but the time we got back to the green. the pax helped him out. 

oh yeah, i brought a FNG and he splashed merlot about half way through the workout. my work for the day is done. 

God bless America. Land of the free, home of the brave.