It all started a year ago..

A year ago in the midst of the big C word, I was struggling.. My gym was closed and I was frustrated and had seen little of friends or family most of the year. Luckily, Honeysuckle Blue invited me to a free men's workout in the spring and it took me about 5 months to finally give in. I am so glad I did. 

This morning at Hollywood, Deep Dish asked me if I knew a former PAX who used to frequent Hollywood. The man in question was a single dad who was looking for work. It reminded me there are a lot of guys who may be struggling where F3 can help. 

The three F's are crucial to a fullfilling life for men. It is not enough that we earn a living, raise our children…. There is far more to be gained… Nobody tells you this starting out. 

In the spirit of thanfullness, I appreciate F3 for the friends I have made and the lessons they have taught me.. and believe me, a 4:45 am wakeup time makes it way more poignant. Most importantly the shieldlock that has been built by a great group of guys.  

The more I appreciate F3, the more I have developed a sense to see who would benefit most from it. 

Also,we did a workout with some Dora, more burpees than anyone wanted, farmers carries, and some stretching. 

Thank you and Godspeed. It has been a great year. 

