It Don’t Get No Easier at 51…

YHC was on my game with preblasts, amazing weinkes which delivered both pleasure and pain, arriving early to workouts where YHC would be ready to get men sweaty in the gloom… then 51 happened.

So after publishing the BB on Thursday from the office, YHC thought, “Wonder who’s got the Q at Cauldron tomorrow?”  Welp.  That’d be The Force.  Thinking later would be a good time to plan out the next Gloom Masterpiece, YHC got back to work, eventually went home, dinner, football was on, etc.  Then before YHC could open Twitter it hit me that no PB had be posted (ya know – on “The X”) nor was my weinke ready for another round yet…  

YHC opened Twitter to find the MQ had exposed my shortcomings to the nation, but YHC owned up to it and worked hard on getting my weinke ready while laying on the couch watching football.  PB sent, weinke ready.

Alarm sounded, small cup of coffee brewed (game was too good to turn off early), and out the door YHC went.  About a mile down the road, YHC remembered something left at the house.  Important enough to turn around, race home, grab it then right back out… 

So upon arrival at exactly 0530 (horn blaring as the Toyota rounded the corners to inform the pax the Q was gonna make it) but…  but…  where were the pax?  Parking lot was full of vehicles and sidewalk was full of kettle bells, but alas no pax in sight.  So YHC would set up quickly and before the pax emerged from a mosey in the deck YHC would begin SSHs and ask them “How was the standard?”

All that said, we started at 0532 with 12 in all including the Q and here’s what went down:


Warm-o-rama (the usual, but a little abbreviated)

Partner up – KB size matters.  Zampirini over to the concrete courtyard/weight room in front of the DPK entrance.

Partner 1 lap around the grass (which is beautifully full of American Flags rt now)
Partner 2 AMRAP the exercise called

The exercises:
KB press
KB flies
Shoulder press
Skull crushers
Lawn mowers (both sides)
Christian McCalf-raises

With a few minutes remaining before time for Mary/MWAR, the Q called for additional sets of Curls and Skull Crushers in case any pax get one more shot at the beach or a pool this summer.


The moleskine:

Things just don’t function the same after 50.  Definitely not after 51.

Lawn Dart was finally awarded his long-awaited Cauldron shirt today.  The complex formula finally added up for him… (or YHC had one too many brews at 760 a few weeks back and went shopping on his phone)

Word is slowly getting out that a new MQ has been named for Samson on Thursdays at Lake Forest Church on Gilead and his weinke usually doesn’t disappoint.  Let’s fill up the Q calendar, bring in some pax who haven’t been regulars there and show our support.  He’s an awesome dude and despite his disability he’s very sensitive about he really enjoys F3.

