It Happened Today

10 (then 9 more) posted for a rare Saturday Q by yours truly. 

Warm Up


20 x Mountain Climbers IC

15 x Imperial Squat Walkers IC

Parking Lot hallelujah Indian run – back drops for 2 merkins and sprints to front

The Thang

Head to the track

Team up

Teams must complete each of the following ( not sure why this was diffuclt ? )

1 Mile run

100 x Derkins

100 x Dips on bleachers

½ Mile Backwards

Hold plank until all are finished

Mosey to down under bar


200 x downunders palms towards you

200 x downunders palms facing each other

200 x downunders palms away 

Mosey to loading dock wall climbing along the wall, wall sit until all are present

Bear crawl to wall, Crawl bear back while partner wall sit with air presses  

Mosey to Bus lot

Suicide – each column and back to start, plank when complete

Mosey to Drop-off circle

AMRAP Monkey Humpers while partner lunge walks lap Then REPEATO hit time so return to launchpad



5 IC Low flutters

5 x Low plank knee-ups (Inside, middle, out) – right

5 x Low plank knee-ups (Inside, middle, out) – Left

5 IC Low Dolly

Fast American hammer   


–  Lots of dads brought their 2.0s which was truly a blessing to see.

– Clark brought his 2.0 Isaac to his first post and was aptly named Rusty though mully's suggestion of SSH was a close 2nd. 
– Great to see so many friendly faces, and spork, out on this beautiful morning. 
– Lost a bit of time crawling through fence so we made up for it on the backend
