It has been awhile… lots of new faces

Rooney was also in attendance

Run aroudn parking lot to the far corrner and circle up

Warm Up – SSH, WM, IST, Down Dog, Up Dog, Slow Squat

Run to the blocks – everyone get a block and circle up

Round one – 5 reps each, repeat with 10 reps, repeat with 15 reps

Curls, Skull Crushers

Run halfway down parking lot – Squats, Lunges

Run to end of parking lot – LBC, WWII sit up

Run back to blocks

Round two – 5 reps, repeat with 10 reps, repeat with 15 reps

Shoulder Press, Lawn Mowers

Run halfway down parking lot – slow squat, Iverson

Run to end of parking lot – Box cutters, BBC

Run back to blocks

Put blocks away

Run back to cars for Mary

Sorry – No J-LO my bad Amen