It is all about heart!

The FNG at today's workout is Michael Stern!

The objective of today was to quickly get the heart rate elevated and to keep it there for the full 45 minutes.  I was not too worried about how painful the exercises were or number of reps.  I just wanted the exercised to push the heart rate to a nice healthy level!

Here is how it went down:

Warm Up:

Run to carpool lane at the school

SSH, IST and Windmill

Run to bus parking lot – run traditional suicides turning around at each basketball goa

The Thang:

Run to parting lot by the soccer fields and split into two groups.  Using the painted parking stripes: run down, side step, back peddle following the line and one burpee at the end. (this was going to be a merkin but when I demo'd they said it looked like a burpee – so I obliged).  Repeat all the way down the parking lot.  When finished you can rest doing Mountain Climbers.

Run to the hill beside the track and line up at bottom of the hill.  LBC and CDD ladder – 2 LBC at the bottom and 10 CDD at the top.  Increase/Decrease by 2 until you flip it.  Bear Crawl up the hill and Crawl Bear down.  When you are finished you can rest by doing 8-count body builders

Run to rock pile, grab a rock and take it back to the track.  Circle up for Curls, Skull Crushers, Shoulder Press.  Run a lap.  When finished you can rest by doing merkins or run back and get the six.  Repeato!

Run back to bus parking lot and find space on the wall.  People's Chair with air press.  Then Austrailian Mountain Climbers!  Always a crowd pleaser!

Line up in the bus parking lot for traditional suicides again.  Second time, only go two goals but give me more effort. Last time all out sprint to second goal and back.  Give me all you got!

Mosey to cars and circle up!  Typical Mary plus down-dog and pigeon!  Snake Eyes takes us out with Shoulder-Touch merkins

Recover Recover!


  • Welcome back 66!  So many guys were happy and excited to see you out again!  We missed you brother!
  • Congrats to FNG – Michael!!  He certainly held his own with group and did not look like a FNG!  T-claps to Snake Eyes for EH'ing a co-worker
  • Thanks to Mona Lisa for the opportunity!  i will grad another date soon
  • I hope the workout did your hearts some good!

Jimmy O