It is F3 For Whom the KB Tolls

Three men made the Ruck at 0445.  Ten (10) men took up the mantle and felt the call of the KB on a warmer than expected morning (at least for YHC.  All exercises were in cadence unless otherwise noted below …

Warm-o-rama: (rest your KB)

20 SSH

15 IST

15 Merkins

15 Windmills (aka Don Quixote)

The Thang: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted

20 Goblet Squats

20 Clean & Press (ten on each side)

50 LBC

20 Merkin Drags

20 KB Swings


Does a bear … hold for a LONG undisclosed count

20 overhead-squats

Does a bear … hold for a LONG undisclosed count

15 Cotton Pickers (with Bell)

15 WWII Sit-ups

15 Merkins – Rest your Bells

15 Dips

20 Pullovers OYO


15 Goblet Squats

20 Clean & Press (ten on each side)

50 LBC

15 Merkin Drags

20 KB Swings


Does a bear … hold for a LONG undisclosed count

20 overhead-squats


15 Cotton Pickers (with Bell)

15 WWII Sit-ups

10 Merkins – Rest your Bells

15 Dips

20 Pullovers OYO


Mary: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted

20 Pillow Talk on each side – Rest your Bells

20 Box cutters – Rest your Bells

20 Cutter Boxes – Rest your Bells


Chief started in early with the mumblechatter but he was quickly called out for letting his KB rest while he was doing overhead squats.  At some point the cadence was Chief-Chief-Chief, CHIEF.   Sorry so long before submitting the paperwork.  YHC is not the most conscientious of all of the PAX.  If you don't like it you are welcome to GRAB THE Q!