It Seems Pretty Bright for 5:00AM

12 men emerged from the not-quite-so-dark gloom to begin their workweek under the SuperMoon


10     IC      SSH

10     IC      MC   

10     IC      Cotton Pickers

10     IC      Merkins

10     IC      Squats



Mosey the long way around the parking lot to the short loop at the flagpole

Partner up – size does not matter

Partner A: run a lap around short loop at about 80% effort (approximately 100 yds)

Partner B: stand at the finish line and look pretty


REPEATO for a total of 10 laps each (20 total laps)


Mosey around the front of the school to the short walls

10 IC Decline Merkins


Mosey to loading dock area

Partner A – wall sits with air presses

Partner B – bear crawl to dock, crawl-bear back




Mosey to rock pile, grab a lifting rock

10 Burpees from Hell (BFH)

These have been temporarily named BFH (or maybe Blaine'sBurpees?) after Closer inadvertently invented them this past Saturday.  The exercise consists of the following moves:

  1. Drop to ‘merkin position and perform one push-up
  2. While still in plank, perform a 4-count Mountain Climber
  3. Jump forward into standing position, pick up your rock on the way up
  4. Perform one squat with your rock
  5. Perform one overhead press with your rock
  6. Put your rock down
  7. Rinse, lather, repeat as necessary


Mosey to down-under bars

Partner A: 20 down-under pullups OYO,

Partner B: plank



Return to start BUT…

Partner A run to sidewalk and back while Partner B bear crawls, once Partner A return to his partner, swap postions and repeato til you get there. (one partner must be bear-crawling the entire time)

Crawl bear up the steps for Mary




10 IC LBC (Sonar)

10 IC Low Flutter (Diesel)

10 IC Flutter Kicks (Clubber)

10 IC Freddie Mercury (Spartacus)

10 IC WWII Situps (Hefty)

30 sec Leg Raise 6” off ground (Mulligan)

10 IC Mason Twist/American Hammer (Tipper)

10 IC Dr. W (Puddle)

1 sec sphincter-release (Double Check (performed solo and self-proclaimed))



Genesis 1:16-18

And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.

And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.

And God saw that it was good.

And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.


The “supermoon” this morning was bright and beautiful.  The chosen bible verses remind us that, although our problems may seem big, God created and has control over things that are almost too big for us to fathom.  If He can handle those things, take comfort in the fact that He can surely handle anything standing in our way.



  • Nice turnout for a chilly morning
  • A little “supermoon” trivia:
    • This morning’s was the brightest and largest-appearing full moon since 1948.  To put that in perspective, Sonar’s mother wasn’t even born yet (and Sonar is OLD).
    • The moon’s distance from the Earth varies from just over 250,000 miles to just over 220,000 miles.  The cycle from nearest (perigee) to furthest (apogee) takes a little less than 28 days (insert inappropriate joke here).  That means you could travel around the world (at the Equator) and still not cover enough distance to match how much further away the moon will be from us about two weeks from now.
  • Not sure who it was (heard rumors) but someone needs to change their Sunday diet if they are going to attend Monday workouts (unless you plan to stay at the six the whole time)
  • PAX was missing a few regulars this morning.  Hope everyone is ok.
  • As always, it is an honor to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this fine group of men.