It takes a Village

Not listed on the PAX list is The Magnificent

War Baby – Yo-Yo – more on him in the moleskin

War Daddy – Grand Prix – who edged out the other respects in attendance – Outlaw and Deep Dish

With the promise of a jug-a-lug beatdown – spirits were high as the PAX gathered.  There were jug band veterans and PAX ready to audition for entry into the juggie brotherhood – but at 5:29 – we still didn't have our band leader.  We were Goat-less.  After a fruitless check of all things social media for an update – we launched.  

After YHC got things going – I was quickly relieved by the PAX who were eager to pitch in where needed.  Thanks to everyone who took a turn with an audible – we got in a good workout with a BRR taper friendly mileage total (guesing we weren't much more than a 1/4 mile all in). We were led by many – but mostly by:

Metallica – took charge of the warm-o-rama, lunge walks and our mosey up the Hollywood ramp (what's a post at Hollywood – without at least one ascent?)

Omega – various yoga/kettle bell type exercises.  We worked on balance and the group goal of getting "Omega-arms"

Macbeth and Outlaw – who took turns with theatre wall exercises (People's Chair and Balls to the Wall) and various juggie lifts


We went around the horn until the early matinee let out – exercises included, but may not have been limited to: Russian Twists, Crunchy Frog, Box Cutters, Rosalitas

Tempurpedic Goat-skin

?- Goat was missed, and we'll give him a pass for catching a few extra ZZZZZ's.  Even in his absence – his leadership was felt.  WWGD – What Would Goat Do bracelets were avilable after the workout.  We had a call of "My coccyx hurts" during Mary which made it feel like he was there.

– Standard run by Outlaw, Macbeth and Deepdish (YHC pretended for a bit) – the boys are looking strong and are ready for the BRR mountains this weekend.  Have fun and be safe.

– Pre-post I had a chance to talk with Yo-Yo.  This young man is going places.  Chat him up when you get a chance – not a lot of 18 year olds posting on their own.  He's taking classes now as he prepares to one day enter the Navy and pursue a career in engineering.  He will be a success and will make a lot of people proud.

– During COT we lifted up prayers for the family of Bill Fox.  Bill, who lived in Huntersville, passed away last week at 46 – leaving behind a wife and 4 kids.  I didn't know him – but have heard about him from several people that did – and the consensus is that he was a great guy.  We also lifted up Hippie and Schneider and their families as they both have parents who are battling illness.  

– Always an honor and a pleasure to be among the fine men and brotherhood of F3.  Not a better way to start the morning.