It takes someone special to be a dad

Event Date

Jun 21, 2021

Also in attendance, but not on the website: Hilo

I remember seeing this kind of cheesy but still impactful quote on posters and wall decor when I was growing up: "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad."

Even as a kid, I would choke up a bit when reading it because I knew it was true. I saw how my dad loved me and spent time with me, and I saw other kids who didn't have that some privilege. One of the biggest advantages a child can have is parents who truly love them and teach/raise them. To have a caring, involved father is a gamechanger.  You may not have had one growing up, but you can be one.

The Thang:

We explored all parts of Arnie's – using the picnic tables, the field, the A-frame and pull-up bars, the bridge, and hill leading up to the teebox on #3 and back. We took turns sharing some of our favorite things about being a dad whenever we needed a breather. It was refreshing to hear everyone share.

Prayers offered for:

  • Gypsy's M as she has surgery
  • Roadie and his M who just found out she has stage 0 breast cancer 
  • Crocs and his family for the loss of his father
  • My aunt Cynthia, who is currently on life support and may pass this week

Appreciate the opportunity to lead today, and the ways you men motivate me to be a better father. That's what it takes. The responsibility is on us to raise and teach the next generation. As parents we can and should be the most influential relationships our children have – make an impact on them, dicipline them, point them in the right direction, set them up to live 3rd – sacrifice and contribute beyond their own wants and desires.