It takes two to sharpen

Event Date

Aug 20, 2022



2 men emerged to reconnect and sculpt with pain stations.



20 x SSH

10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Merican

10 x Anvil shoulder stretches


The Thang

Mosey to back, pain stations:

Back playground: 15 x pull ups, 20 x Australian rows, block 21 curls, 20 x block squats, 20 x incline Mericans, 30 x dips

Mosey to top of LBH

10 x burpees, 30 x WWIs

Mosey back to playground and repeato.

3 rounds and then we had some time so traded exercises for three rounds:

20 x land mines with black pole, 20 x rows with block or battering ram

Mosey back to AO for Mary. 


20 x Flutter kicks

20 x Hello Dollys

30 sec American Hammer


Matthew 22: 36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a]  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Good reminder of focal points of life and solves not only spiritual questions but issues like time management, happiness and fulfillment.  Good discussion with Anvil on not only loving your neighbor but loving ourselves so we can better serve and love others. 


Arrived at the AO expecting to see Tonka but it was Anvil stretching!  So glad our paths crossed this time.  Thriving and living the good life in Vale and said we may see him more semi-regular as he is in the area helping a friend. 

Best to all on the road and vacations and running.  Hope fall boosts the numbers back. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
