It was a Hotter / Cooler Blender

Event Date

Oct 01, 2019

FNG-1 = Cooler from F3 Charleston

Only 3 pax posted at Blender today, but with no breeze on a balmy morning, we probably left the sweat output of 10 pax in the GCC parking lot.  Here's what we did:

0500: YHC ran a sad clown 2.25 mile Standard (greenway to Bailey Rd to the "road to nowhere").  Cut the run a little short of the usual 3 miles in order to get back and set up / grab some kettlebells from the shed.

I was greeted upon my return by a visiting pax from F3 Charleston, Cooler – welcome, brother!  Cooler was in town on business and decided to hit up the Blender.  Very glad to have him today.  He and I grabbed some bells from the shed, and then around 0525 or so, Bunyan rolled in.

0530: Short mosey around parking lot, returning to our bells.  Circle up, disclaimer.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


We moseyed with our bells over to an area of the GCC parking lot where YHC had set up a few cones.

YHC advised the pax that we would be doing a number of rounds, each consisting of a KB exercise, a core exercise, and then some footwork:

  • Round 1:
    • KB Sumo Squat to High Pull x 20 OYO
    • Reverse Crunch x 20 OYO
    • Run up to first cone, side shuffle right to second cone, backpedal to third cone, side shuffle left to fourth cone
    • Repeato Round 1
  • Round 2:
    • One Arm KB Press x 10 (each arm) OYO
    • Low Flutter x 20 OYO
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 1
    • Repeato Round 2
  • Round 3:
    • KB Swing x 20 OYO
    • WWII Situp x 20 OYO (Cooler advised that F3 Charleston calls these WWI Situps)
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 1, but reverse direction
    • Repeato Round 3
  • Round 4:
    • Reverse Lunge with KB x 10 (each leg) OYO
    • Crunchy Frog x 20 OYO
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 1, but reverse direction
    • Repeato Round 4
  • Round 5:
    • KB Full Curl x 20 OYO
    • Mason Twist x 20 OYO
    • Run up to first cone, diagonal backpedal to second cone, run up to third cone, diagonal backpedal to fourth cone, run up to fifth cone
    • Repeato Round 5
  • Round 6:
    • Bent Over Row w/ KB x 20 OYO
    • Low Dolly x 20 OYO
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 5
    • Repeato Round 6
  • Round 7:
    • KB Skullcrusher x 20 OYO
    • Jane Fonda x 10 (each leg) OYO
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 5, but reverse direction
    • Repeato Round 7
  • Round 8:
    • KB Goblet Squat x 20 OYO
    • The W x 20 OYO
    • Same cone shuffle as Round 5, but reverse direction
    • Repeato Round 8

Partner up for last two rounds.  Due to the odd number, two of us were P1, and one was P2.

  • Round 9:
    • P1 Farmer Carry 2 KBs around perimeter of cones, with shoulder shrugs
    • P2 Squat AMRAP till P1 returns
    • Flip-Flop
    • Repeato Round 9
  • Round 10:
    • P1 carry 1 KB around perimeter of cones, with KB curls
    • P2 KB Chest Press AMRAP
    • Flip-Flop
    • Repeato Round 10

Return with KBs to warmup spot for Mary:

  • 5 burpees OYO

Recover, recover.


  • Awesome to have Cooler join us today.  We could have used some of his company's (Trane) product out there in the parking lot.  It was balmy.
  • When Cooler mentioned that F3 LKN's "WWII" situp is in fact known in Charleston as the "WWI" situp, YHC asked Cooler what name F3 Charleston gives to what we in LKN call the "Cotton Picker," "Carrot Puller," or (Turnpike only) "Soybean Farmer."  I believe Cooler responded that these are known as "Oyster Rakers" ?  It was something like that.  Nice.
  • YHC had done plenty of burpees on Monday at The Sword but didn't want to disappoint Bunyan, so threw in 5 of them at the end today.
  • Thanks to Bunyan for taking us out.  Thanks to Two Buck Chuck for the opportunity to lead today at Blender.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016…. forever grateful.
