It Was A Snot Woggler

Big turnout today for to celebrate Phase 2 and YHC's first 1 hour Q.


SSH x20

Carrot Puller x10

WindMill x10ish (got thrown off on the count)

IST x10

Curls x21

The Thang:

Part 1

8 Corners OYO, first lap zamporini, second lap block takes a break

Masonry Twist x20

Press+Skull Crushers x20

Squat+Curl x20

Pull ups or dips x20

Side LBC x20

Merkin x20

Toxic Dry Dock x20 (the PROPER form dry dock)

Pull ups or dips x20

^ Repeato ^

Part 2

Mosey to School for DORA

400 Plane Landers (People's chair with arm waving)

300 Curb step ups

200 Jump Squats

100 Merkins


Every variant of Suzanne Somers (up, bakcwards, forwards) x20

SSH x10


Huge thanks for all the support for the first 1hr beatdown. Was great to see a number of the PAX return to the jungle again after a month or 2; hopefully this continues.

Mumble chatter was strangely light after the first 8 corners and was basically nonexistant for DORA; YHC thought everyone was being unusually polite. Moses informed at the end I had accomplished a "Snot Woggler" and to look it up. I can't say I disagree, this was not a particularly fun workout.

Big props to Sabotage for crushing this one – this man doesn't quit.

Crocs supplied the music as usual and as a carryover from Night Ranger, it was Weird Al and Pitbull. Camelback has the Q next Saturday and has been requested to prevent Crocs from DJ-ing.