It was Everything I Wanted and More

Event Date

Jun 08, 2017


Race City's Inaugural AO The Pit kicked off on a chilly full moon morning with 7 PAX set to kick off for the non-running workout. The mumblechatter was high as the Q tried to maintain cadence and order but gave it up due to the banter. So here's the skinny.

Warmup-o-rama: IC-sorta

Merkins x10

SSH x10

Windmill x10

Cotton Pickers x10

Mosey to Rock Pile pick up a rock mosey back to culdesac:

Curls x10

Skull Crushers x10

Shoulder Press x10

The Thang:

Deck of Death- this came from a fellow F3 Brother who just completed a Heavy in Jacksonville, FL. Q thought it would be a good idea to try and replicate, but best laid plans right?

Round 1

Take a card off the deck, complete that card number in reps.  One group to perform arm exercises with their rock while the other completed the stations.  Then switch.

Side note, MQ took all 2-4 cards out and Jokers, didn't want to make it too easy.

Station 1

Merkins x card drawn

Station 2

Low Flutter x  card drawn

Round 2

Draw a card and multiply by 2

Station 1

Lunges x card drawn-Bear Crawl to next station

Station 2

Squats x card drawn

Round 3

Draw a card and multiply by 3

Station 1

Merkins x card drawn

Station 2

Lunges x card drawn

Return rocks to pile circle up for abs

Low Flutter x 70

Freddie Mercury x 10

Recover Recover

Big shout out to Jolly Roger and Chewie for making the trip up to post, and to the men who joined me this morning. Proud and honored to lead a group of fine men and get some exercise and good laughs. 

Until next time.