It was hot. We ran a lot. We sweated more.

I figured we'd run a bit today rather than just throw the KB around.  We did.  It was hot.  Everyone was sweaty.

Warmup:  none, stupid.

The Thang: Fat Amy and her husband Fat Andy

All exercises were preformed OYO and single count.

1/4 mile buy in.  (the big loop)

50 squats

40 LBC

30 Upright Rows

20 Skullcrushers

10 burpees.

In between each exercise was 10 merkins.

1/4 mile run.

We counted back up the same way.

Fat Andy

50 lunges

40 flutter kicks

30 curls

20 overhead press

10 burpees.

each exercise was followed by 10 merkins.

another 1/4 mile run.

Found they had an offspring named fat Argule.

We did heels to Heaven until mom said it was time to come home.

Recover, recover.


Nobody spilled merlot so that's a win I guess.

Dudes showed up ready to work, it was a pleasure to lead this group of fine men.