It was just one hill…

7 men drove down the dark hill into the gloom to get a lil runnin' in.  Then at 5:30 AM-PM did the same.  Then at 5:31 YHC did the same.  Then at 5:33 Calypso did the same.

The pax were eager to get started and thus had already made their way to the track.  Wrong direction.  YHC called them over to the parking lot, very abbreviated disclaimer and up the hill we went.  Here's what transpired after that…

Mosey to the top of the parking lot, to the light at BF Rd.  Circle up for some hammy warm-o-rama (Windmills, Long Snappers, Toy Soldiers).

YHC confided in a couple pax to be sure the sidewalk on the other side went all the way to the entrance to the 'hood down the hill of BF Rd.  Jenny, "I think so."  Turnpike, "Oh yeah it does."  So naturally YHC had little confidence the sidewalk went more than 20 feet, but YHC took the pax that way anyway.

Down BF Rd we went.  So much further than it felt when YHC drove it earlier in the morning… 

At the first available left into the 'hood, we stopped and the pax gathered for instruction.  The pax was told we'd run up the hill to the left until the orange cone, drop for 10 WW2 sit-ups, then return to the bottom.  It was not far, so use an aggressive pace if you'd like.  This, too was further than it seemed when YHC drove it earlier.

The pax thought maybe that was it – time to head back to home base (Calypso's watch not only credits him with double mileage but also must be like 20 mins fast – strange that he was still late to the workout).  But NO!  Time to let the pax know there is also a 2nd strategically placed cone, somewhere past the 1st cone.  Run there, drop for 10 more WW2s, then back to the bottom.

Here we are again, more recommendations from the pax…

Guess what?  YES!  A 3rd cone!  Let's go!  Yes, 10 more WW2s (we're now at 30 for all of you counting.

On the way down to the bottom, YHC did finally have to come to the realization that we were running low on time, so instruction en route to the bottom was given to stop at the 1st cone.  Since AM-PM was the first to arrive at this cone, he was tasked with picking it up and bringing it with him to…  THE FOURTH CONE!  So up we went again, this time all the way to the top at the stop sign. Jenny was asigned to the 2nd cone and Turnpike the 3rd (these 3 pax CRUSHED this workout today, btw).  At the top, you guessed it – 10 more WW2s.

Mosey all the way to the next intersection (about 0.01 miles).  10 more WW2s (that's 50).

With 5 mins left let's mosey back to the start of the AO.  All pax reached the starting line (which was the finish line or was it the other way?) at 6:13 or 6:14AM despite all the concern flowing from some of the pax (mostly Calypso).

As YHC grabbed my cellular device from my mode of transportation, the pax heard a startling noise nearby – was that a bear???  No, just Swanson in the act of spilling merlot.  Maybe just a hair ball…  Oh, nope.  We heard from "the bear" again during name-o-rama.

The Moleskine:

AM-PM's 1st Ludicrous Speed post he told me when I drove up.  Wow – heckuva first showing!

At one point Tammy Faye told me he'd never do this on his own and thanked me for forcing him to. Tuffy was with us at the time but said nothing.  Silence is agreement.

Swanson pushed hard.  Never heard a complain, perhaps just an eye roll and an arms-thrown-in-the-air "WTF" look when we started back up the hill that last time.  He's been gettin' after it hard lately.  Turning over a new leaf.  As he told me on a downhill, "Turning the Dad-bod into the God-bod.  Don't let your wife out of the house 3 months from now."  

Mulligan quietly ran up and down the hill.  No complaining, no mumblechatter, no telling the Q (who was wearing a watch) what time it was, etc.  T-Claps.

TBone was angry all morning – yelling at YHC from the track, complaining alongside Calypso.  Thanked me with fist bumps and invited me to coffeteria after.  T-Claps.

My semi-dependable watch had us at 3.4 to 3.5 miles I believe.  That's 5+ miles on Calypso's watch.  Nice work, Calypso.  

Every bit of ground we covered was up or down hill.  0.0 flat land.  Well done, fellas.  Enjoyed that (sorta).
