It was Ludicrous All Around

7/27 Ludicrous did happen.  We completed a half mile warm up followed by 400 x 5 followed by 200 x 2, all sprints (relatively) chasing a designated rabbit.  We mixed in variety of pain, squats, merkins, CDDs and belly work.  There was a FIA mile challenge taking place on OUR track, so I governed our starts and stops to not put us in conflict.  Our white whale sightings included FacePlant (Tantrum's son) and The Jolly Roger formerly known as the Nantan.  Good start to 9/24 Colonial relay (golf outing) training Jolly.  It was clear FacePlant could smoke us all whenever he wants.  Memo continues to stalk Twilight for his opportunity to put him in his place (show to know why).  Gambini is ready to graduate from Ludicrious.  The Force keeps suggesting "lets grab blocks" in a meathead tone and is just waiting to pull the trigger and take the Q (its a speed workout!!, you know that man!!).  Freedom, SnakeEyes and Calypso are my OG measures of progress….still chasing you after 9 years. 66 and I had the 6 and were the good shepherds keeping the herd from leaving the yard (or going too fast).  Stray was noticeably missed so he will make up by taking the Q on 8/3.  

All – it is fall/winter race season.  Lot of relays and the Huntersville Half in December.  Ludicrous is your perfect mid-week speed work for your training plans for the beginner to moderate paced runner.  Join us, will be better at backblasts!  Grab the Q and push us, we need it (Mr. Holland – despite our middle school mumblechatter, we really did appreciate your Q….really…come back).   

It was a pleasure –  Black Eyed Pea
