It was throw back Viking Tuesday!


Short jog to the upper parking lot as it is the only lit area in all of North Meck Park these days!

Rumble Chatter x 1,000 IC

IST x 15 ic

Wind mill x 15 ic

Merkin x 10ic

Cotton Picker x 15 ic

Mtn Climber x 15 ic

Mosey to upper pavilion

Peoples chair 1min + Air presses x 20 ic into lower peoples chair + air presses x 20 ic

Dips x 15 ic

Sloooow incline merkins at 10 ic

Jog back trail to rock pile

Curls x 10 ic

Jog to bottom of hill for Mason Twist x 20 ic

Jog to lower pavillion for Dips x 15 ic

Jog back to bottom of hill for Mason twists x 20 ic

Job bag up hill to rock for Chest press x 15 ic

Job back to bottom of hill for LBC's x 20 ic

Job to lower pavilion for sloooow incline merkins x 10 ic

Mosey to basketball court for suicides running each mid court and side line of all 3 BB courts.

Mosey back to bottom pavilion for dips x 20

Jog to bottom on hill for LBC's x 20 ic

Jog back up hill for Skull Crusher x 15 ic

Job back down hill for Mason Twists x 20 ic

Jog to bottom pavillion for Dips x 20

Mosey to BB courts for suicides running just the sidelines (no mid court)

Mosey to Bottom Pavillion for incline merkins x 10 ic

Job to bottom of hill for mason twists x 20 ic

Jog to top of hill for curls x 10 ic

Jog back trail to upper pavilion for peoples chair 1 min with airpesses x 20 ic

Jog back to upper parking lot for Mary

Homer to Marge into low flutter medley

W x 10 ic

Crunchy Frog x 10 ic

Recover Recover


To have 9 guys who pretty much all started at the same time 5+ years ago was very cool. Lots of repect going on today. The only guy we had under 5 years of F3 was Riverboat……and he's a beast anyway!

Mumble chatter was at it's all time high this morning. It felt like we had 9 Smore's and 3 Kingfish's in attendance.

Great work by everyone. I was trying to keep things moving quickly in an attempt to cut down on the chatter….It did not work….these guys are legendary chatters and in shape…… my plan did not work real well

You guys are my inspiration to get out of bed at 4:30 every morning to workout. I sincerely appreciate the F1, F2 and F3!

Keep Bagboy's friend's mother recently diagnosed with cancer in your prayer's!