It Was Wet with Two Big, Nice, Warm Jugs

9 Pax showed to see what YHC had in store for a surprise for the Wilderness. 

The forecast was for an 80% chance of rain, and it was moist out, and for some reason, YHC drove to the workout.  Reason why?  YHC had 18 milk jugs filled with fresh, warm water for an impromptu Jug-A-Lug.

We Zamporini'ed around the AO doing multiple Juggy exercises, but you really want to read the Moleskin, so: 


Everyone enjoyed the "Jug Toss" at the end of our Wilderness Tour with extra points for proximity to the storm drain and busting your jug(s) in the process.  YHC won, which may lead you to believe I practiced ahead of time, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while 

Thanks to Gnarly Goat for the idea of a jug-a-lug.  Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, BTW. 

Amen caused us to move a couple of locations a little early.  #S2K why. 

Ultraman was not falling for the 5x burpees every time we set the jugs down,  He'd rather hold on to those two big, nice, warm jugs.  

Soprano showed with 30 seconds to go but mentioned his appreciation of the warm jugs after the workout.  Who likes cold jugs, anyway? 

9 Lives enlightened us on what an 80% chance of rain actually means, and knew to the hundredths of a pound how much a gallon of water weighs.  Einstein Award of the day.  

Having stored and collected these 18 jugs over the past year, YHC was glad to finally use them. 

Hope that Ponch heals up soon!  Keep him in your prayers. 

Thanks to Amen for the chance to lead!!  Till next moist AM in the gloom.  

TG sends, Aye! *merica*
