Its a AnniBirthery Celebration!

Now that YHC is getting up in age, I couldnt remember when my official F3 start date was, so for convenience sake and to make it easier to remember, I aligned it with my birthday.  18 strong men (including YHC) showed up for the AnniBirthery party in the post-BRR gloom.  I promised little running, but a lot of grunting and pain…I think the PAX would agree – objective met!  here is the story…


Slosey around the parking lot, circle up – all IC except where noted:

SSH x 25

IST x 10

Windmill x 10

Cotton Pickers

PAX were instructed to get a nice looking block and circle up in the parking lot 🙁


Partner up – size did not matter – and get ready for cumulative partner relay

300 – Mericans (later audibled to 200 based on PAX mumble chatter)

200 – Squats

100 – LBC's

Partner 1 – Farmer Carry blocks to pull-up bars and return

Partner 2 – commence exercise

Flapjack – partner 1 continues the count until Partner 2 returns, flapjack – repeato, repeato, repeato until all exercises complete – plank it out until all PAX are done

Grab you block and lets mosey to prayer forrest, circle up for some block work

Low curls x 10 IC

High curls x 10 IC

Full curls x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Block Should Press x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks holding blocks x 20 IC

Put the blocks back as you have found them, and lets mosey back to the parking lot and circle up.  turns out the YHC timed it perfectly and finished exactly on-time, so no Mary


  • Anniversaries and Birthdays are bittersweet for me, so I am glad that I could at least share special occaisions like this with some equally fine gentlemen – strong work out of the PAX
  • It was very apparent that BRR training has created a "soccer arm" epidemic, so for those PAX who trained hard for the BRR (Jedi, Professor, Ultraman, Snake Eyes, Mayhem), I hope this workout will help you on your road to recovery!
  • Thanks to Professor for pointing out the difficulty in farmer carrying blocks over great distance…his kind advice, led YHC to call audibles that I am sure where appreciated by all the PAX
  • I am greatful for the accountability that F3 instills, without it, I may not even get up in the morning.
  • Finally, I intend to make my 47th year as productive as possible, and strive to be a better friend, father and person AND look for other CSAUP

It is a please as always…

TBone – Out!