It’s a Glute-iful Day

Event Date

Feb 25, 2023


2 appeared from the mist, grateful for another day. Overnight storms seemed to dissipate as 0700 rolled around. There was much rejoicing…at least for a few minutes…then there was pain…a little bit different pain than normal. Here’s how it went down.

SSH, Windmills, ArmCircles, BirdDogs, Hand Release Superman Merkins, Toy Soldiers, Squat Pulses

back to the back to grab blocks:
10 or max pull ups (strict)
Nature Trail to Chez Shirley

1-minute plank
10x heel touches
10x hip dips
Block quadfecta
Rows with shoulder squeeze

Glute-iful Day:
glute bridges
glute bridge pulse
froggy glute bridges
froggy glute bridge pulse
single leg glute bridge with hold
repeat other leg
clamshells, kickbacks
repeat other leg
donkey kicks + donkey kick pulses
repeat other leg
donkey kick 1/2 circle + fire hydrants
repeat other leg
pulse squats
reverse lunge w/ knee drive
repeat other leg
sumo squats
good morning + squats
squat jumps burnout

Colt 45’s
Block quadfectas
1-minute plank
10x heel touches
10x hip dips

dead bug
box cutters
bear plank
Freddy Mercuries

Reflection:  Phillipians 4:10-13
“10 I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity.
11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.
12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
* Most people will readily identify verse 13…I’ve seen mugs, t-shirts, social media posts, and tattoos.
* Do we quote v13 without understanding the context of why Paul mentions it? Are we mistakenly suggesting that this is a SuperHero verse? I can do everything with Christ on my side! No matter what I try, I will succeed in it because of Christ!…we need to be careful…we may be missing something here.
* v10 sets it up by thanking them for some financial support
* v11 clarifies, Not that I have any need, because I am always content with what I have, whether much or not much
* v12 …content when in the valley, content when on the mountaintop
* v13 Paul realized that to be content in all situations, he needed the strength of Jesus. He had to be humble and not rely on his own abilities, but be willing to let Christ work through him.
* it doesn’t seem like an “I can do everything,” verse as much as a comment that being content in all things isn’t possible without Christ
* something for you to chew on…can you be content in all things? do you need to ask Christ to work through you to help you be content?

* Tonka is really bummed he is missing the next two weeks….he’s in Cabo…I’m sure he’ll use this bb to whip up an impromptu workout some morning : )
* Worked out great bopping over the river and through the woods to Shirley’s house.
* Tclaps to Shirley for putting up with the never ending yoga, abs, glute combos. I’m sure he’ll be fine for his hike in the morning…He’s Fine!
* Knees were super grateful for the foam pads.

Best wishes for those who couldn’t join us…we missed you
Super grateful and honored to lead