It’s a good thing this isn’t the limbo

Event Date

Mar 24, 2022

7 warriors set the bar for QRVIII at Spearhead. Here is their story:


YHC measured out the course for the 1 mile PT test


YHC met The Standard for ~3 miles


YHC looking at watch thinking QRVIII is going to be more like Selection than a team event


Oh thank God Swing State and Nair are here. And there is Popcorn and Hoodie parked at Dragon Slayer. They must have been tricked by the empty parking lot and my truck on the opposite side of the parking lot near the field where the 8 PBs said to meet. 


Cherry Bomb arrives right on time


Auto arrives even more on time


Ruck up & form two one rank facing the field. PAX appropriately dressed right and adjusted with proper spacing and alignment. Rucks down in front.



  • All required gear was reviewed: Rucksack, weight, headlamp, etc


  • Proper form, instruction, and standards demonstrated and communicated…mostly correct anyways
  • PAX paired up in groups of 2 to perform the push-up (55 in 2 minutes) and sit-ups (65 in 2 minutes)
  • PAX then lined up to run 1 mile – standard time 8:00


  • Pax return to rucks and form 2 1 rank to complete the following exercises:
  • Squats x 20 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Shoulder press x 10 IC
  • 8 count body builders x 5 IC
  • Squats x 20 IC
  • Low crawl & bear crawl across field (stay together)
  • Mosey back to the flag and form 2 1 rank
  • Squats x 20 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Shoulder Press x 10 IC
  • 8 count body builders x 5 IC


  • Low flutter x 25 IC
  • Plank w/ ruck

Recover recover




  • 4 HCs for QRVIII were in attendance. The others are paying as you read this BB.
  • Auto loves hates low crawls maybe more than crab walks especially with freshly pressed shorts
  • Hoodie got Snoopy to put in an click counter in his foot for everytime he does a situp…snazzy
  • Popcorn brought lots of weight. None of it fits in a ruck.
  • Cherry Bomb doesn't need all the fitness, just some to most of the fitness…its a golds thing
  • Swing State was prepared with smiles and tips, a true vet
  • Nair wanted to water the trees after crushing the PT test…allegedly
  • Now you know where you stand. Work to meet the standard over the coming 8 weeks. We learned about leaning on your teammates and staying together. Look left to the men next to you. They are there to help. Remember we are a team.
  • Stay tuned for the packing list. If you are putting in training miles, start on the lighter side with weight and scale up in weight and miles just like any other fitness training. 
  • As of earlier this week, there were 17 HC's for QRVIII plus the three that posted today that just haven't paid. 7 of the 20 made the hardest decision after paying $10, they showed up this morning. The bar is set. The team is forming. All it takes is all you've got. Your team needs you. Will you post?

