It’s a Marker not a Sharpie!

Event Date

Jan 05, 2019

13 of Denver's finest attended ELHS Mustang this am, for a easy bootcamp beat down. 41 on the gauge, but with the wind, it felt like 37 and the fields were soaked. A few threats about rolling around in the slop were shared; however, that didn't happen, and wasn't planned. T-Claps to Mulligan, Crawdad, and Mater for posting for a Standard, and anyone I missed, while setting up on the other side of the AO. 

Warm up

All 15 IC:

  1. Monkey Humpers
  2. SSH
  3. Merkins
  4. Squats
  5. LBC
  6. Mtn Climbers

The Thang:

Mosey the short way, around the track, to the side gate…"go in the back door, and be careful it's wet" reference was made, and YHC knew he messed up while the words were spilling out of his mouth. Regardless…out the gate and to the baseball/softball/soccer fields. Partner up and listen to the run down:

  • Six cones spaced out along the top of the big hill. Each with one of the six "warm-up" items listed in sharpie Marker (quickly pointed out by Marker, himself, that the Q failed and we don't use words like Sharpie). 
  • Each cone requires 200 reps, shared by partners or 'collectively' for you smart fellas, however, only one of the two is able to knock out reps at any one time. 
  • The partner not repping, heads down the hill to the fence, or just short of due to the flood, and picks to quadraphilla or bear crawl back to the top. 
  • Whichever modality of transportation was conducted by the hill partner, the repping partner is not allowed to do on their saunter, to and fro, 
  • Following cone 6 (merkins) both partners run the lap around soccer field, and report back to cone 1 for a repeato, but just 100 reps. 

Mosey back to LP for:


  • Flutter kicks (Abrams)
  • Dr. W's (Sonar)
  • These hip rotation kindof J-Lo things (Crawdad)
  • Dr. W's (Hefty)
  • Hold Plank (Mater)


Friendships are something YHC has had few of throughout his life, ones you could actually define as a friendship. F3 found YHC almost three years ago, and through this brotherhood I've found numerous new friends, and some great friendships. YHC also, lost the loving feeling a few months back, and pretty much hung it up and quit posting much. With some much needed encouragement and thoughtful prodding, I'm back. With that, I found the following related to friendships…

Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother…John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends…and the one we thrive on Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. That is the one that made me re-think priorities, to open my door and find a 25# KB with a bow on it, sitting on the front porch took me from a SC to a HC. Everything you say or do, does make a difference, either positive or negative, with each of us. 


  • Other than the backdoor remark and the Sharpie mistake, I didn't hear much today. Possibly becuase my heart rate was approaching 400 and I couldn't breath well.
  • Please do add, if you have anything. 
