It’s a new Decade at The Wilderness

Event Date

Jan 02, 2020

8x Pax showed to The Wilderness this AM at 0510 to make sure their New Year / New Decade was started off right. 

Today's workout paid homage to Fartlek, Cauldron, and Stretch combining a little of each.  


Arm circles and static stretches

Slo Windmill 10x IC

Root Veggie Puller 10x IC

IST 10x IC

Toy Soldier marching across the circle 10x IC – and yes, many actually marched across the circle.  I think Ultraman crossed the entire parking lot.  Great job following directions!

SSH 10x IC – The Pax thought we might actual skip this obligatory workout, but YHC did not disappoint.  You are welcome!

The Thang

Over to the Playground for 10x pullups and 10x dips OYO – Threepeato 

Mosey down to Queen's corner for 20x Rocky Balboa and 15x Freddit Mercury's IC

Mosey up to the Weight Room, pick a rock, but we rotated rocks (one or two to your left) for the first three rounds

All excercises are IC:

10x Lo Curls

10x Skull Krushers

10x High Curls

10x Overhead Press

10x Upright Rows

10x Squats

10x Full Curls

10x Chest Press

10x Mason Twist

Run around the Pain Clock 

Repeato all above

On the third round, burned out the guns with the Colt 45= 15x Lo curls, 15x high curls, 15x Full curls

Rocks back and mosey back to Queen's Corner

Another round of Freddie Mercuries 15x IC – because why not? 

Mosey back to the WhoVille Tree and circle up for 


10x IC Touch Them Heels, Low Flutters, Box Cutters, Man Maker Merkins, J-Lows, Low Dolly's, and

20x IC Suzanne Summers each side

Closed it all out with some dark arts sitting toe touches (knees for some) and Low Pidgeon.  

Recover recover


Good to see everyone out this morning.  Toxic was oddly missing, but that's OK, we "breathed out all the toxics" during our Stretching.  

Looking forward to a great 2020!  

TG sends,
