Warmorama- Lap around parking lot with highknees- side straddle hops- long snapper- toy soldiers

The Thang- 

Proceed to the track for run to the first corner for

-10 quarter turn jump squats

– 2nd corner 

-10 burpees

-3rd corner

-10 WWII

-4th corner 

-20 merkins 

Repeat 3 more times adding two reps to each excercise.

total covered 1 mile and 52 burpees,52 jumpsquats,52 WWII and 92 merkins

-Mosey to blocks partner up.

-Partner one farmers carry around parking lot while partner two does step ups switch up.

-next lap  

-Partner one does Zamperinis with block around lot while partner two does jump ups switch up. 

-Mosey to pull bars

5 pull ups one lap around fence , 4 reps lap 3 reps lap 2 reps lap 1 rep

Mary- pax calls it out 

Force-  Suzanne Somers, Baller – ?        Hasslehoff- Freddie Mercury


Its been a long while since I grabbed the reins and it showed. Tantrum complained becasue either he hates burpees or my instructions were not clear. Force didn't like the way I called out the excercises or ended the workout. Either way we finished and it was great to be back. Thanks to all the pax that showed up and hopefully Gambini will have me back again. P.S Force must have some old glamor magazines with Suzanne Somers and some sticky pages because he really loves that excercise.