It’s birthday pumping…

Disclaimer …and here the story:

Mosey around the block follows:

10xSSH,10xWM, 10xLS,10xOYO bomber cobra


Mosey run to rock/firehouse partner up:

Round 1 = 300 combo (Rock bicep curl follows with shoulder press) 600 reps total 

partner 1 : Rock bicep curl follows with shoulder press

Partner 2: run up hill turn left to firehydrant and back


Round 2= 300 combo (Rock front raise follow with skull crusher) 600 reps total

partner 1: Rock front raise follow with skull crusher

Partner 2: run up hill turn left to firehydrant and back


Round 3= 400 wide merkins

partner 1: merkins

partner 2: run


Mossey run to the firehouse flag to do pledge of allegiance

Mossey run back to base with 1 minute left, Strombolli closed it with “Crunchy frog”…Recover..Recover

COT: Christmast party on the 5th, Birkdale Turkey trout on Wednesday and Davidson on Thursday

Total miles running from Einstein : 2.5 miles and 1,400 reps. They are 15 irons sharpen irons

It’s a humble and an honor to have the packs this morning, thank you all.

Thank you Outlaw for let me to lead and all of you who show up and push each others.

The best way to start your birthday, see you all next time in the gloom….



Cobra Kai

