It’s Blackbeard So It Has To Be Running & Burpees

Event Date

Mar 06, 2021


After a rare post at BRP last week for Titan’s Q, I was voluntold to Q this week. At 0755 I was all alone (although I knew Stapler was enroute via the RR tracks). At 0758 Titan pulled in and I thought I could see Jersey Boy waving from further down the lot. At 0700 Jersey Boy and Waffle House jogged over with frisbees asking what I was doing. I told him I had the Q which seemed to surprise him. To his credit, it only took a moment for him to put down the discs and fall in for a Blackbeard beatdown.

Stapler had mentioned that he was planning to do a solo workout this morning at home before running 2.5 miles to BRP to support me. I saw him running along the tracks as I drove to the AO. While safer than running along shoulder-less Old Statesville, I’m sure it didn’t help the pace to run on loose gravel. And he probably thought it was a safe bet that YHC would not include running (despite a resolution to run the Huntersville Half this year). Unfortunately, I hate to be stereotyped.

From the parking lot, we moseyed down to the track and around to the stairs for a warm-up:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Slow Deep Squat x15 IC
  • Mtn Climbers x15 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC

With the juices flowing, we each grabbed a rock and completed some Curls x15 IC. Then YHC split the group into 2 groups and sent half in one direction around the track with the other going the opposite way. The plan was to split the fast and slow runners so that the faster runners would get more distance (and therefore a workout to match skill level). As it turned out, we only had one fast guy who didn’t want to run. So Jersey Boy kindly offered to run with him as Stapler, Titan and the Q went the opposite way.

We met on the oppposite side of the track where we completed Groiners x10 IC. After that, the pattern continued with an excercise on each side of the track — one side with a rock and the other without. Alternating exercises included:

  • Shoulder Press x15 IC (run halfway around track) 
  • Merkins x10 IC (run halfway around track)
  • Skull Crushers x15 IC (run halfway around track)

Following the crushers, we stopped for a Mobility Moment with the usual assortment of Broga stetches before running halfway around the track again to continue.

  • Squats x10 IC (run halfway around track)
  • Squats w/ rock x15 IC (run halfway around track)
  • Burpees x10 OYO (run halfway around track)
  • Burners x15 IC

With the main event completed, we returned our rocks and moseyed back around the track to the gate. We assembled at the short wall for Incline Merkins x10 IC and Dips x10 IC. Then we sprinted to the top of the path from the parking lot and reassembled in the grass by the pavilion for Mary:

  • WW2 Situps x15 OYO
  • Suzanne Sommers x25 IC (each side)
  • LBC x15 IC
  • Dot the I (lowercase) x10 IC
  • Touch Dem Heels x10 IC
  • J-Lo x10 IC
  • Plank until Recover x2

Wafle House tried to trick me into finishing 30 seconds early, but my watch showed 0800 when I uttered the magic words (both of them being “recover”). Coincidentally, Metallica and Special Sauce showed up just as the exercises wrapped up and then they departed again before we counted off and took a knee for prayer. After CoT, Stapler put in his earbuds so he could jam to Celine Dion (according to WH) for his return run as the rest of us drove over to Birkdale to congratulate Duvall on his 1:45:00 half marathon to “celebrate” his 60th revolution around the sun.

I have no idea who the official MQ is at BRP anymore, but I’ll thank JB for offering me the Q not once but twice. Apparently Boar Hog and Moses were too scared to show up, but they will have another chance on Tuesday when I put on the Q gloves at Gladiator. Aye!