“It’s Called a Royale with Cheese”

DISCLAIMER:  Well…this is awkward!  My COT recording did not record anything, and being as old as I am, my memory is a little sketchy on who was present for the beatdown this morning.  I only remember 6 including YHC, so if I missed you feel free to sound off in the comments (I probably wont revise the BB though), and if you were there, then you know who you are!

Here is what I remember…11 strong men showed for YHC's return visit to the red carpet – we even has a special flyby visit from a trio of GoatBusters (Smokey, Gray Ghost and Turncoat) at the end of Mary.  I am sure that some were expecting some movie trivia – which of course I delivered – but none were expecting a mini burpee fest and some running for good measure.  A few laughs, some accountability and much huffing and puffing ensued following Warm-o-Rama.  While the PAX group was small, all were strong and on-point when it came to "famous movie lines"  – below is how it all went down…


Mosey around the movie theater, circle up in Parking Lot

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Carrot Pickers x 10 IC

Seal Claps x 20 IC

Mosey to front of theater


PAX were given basic instructions as follows:

AMRAP Burpees in 2 minutes

Rest 30 Seconds

AMRAP Burpees for 1-minute

Rest 20 Seconds

AMRAP Burpees for 1-minute


On to designated shuttle run – up and back four times – cones set on road in varying distances

Snake Eyes provided a ten count

Repeato Shuttle Run

Elbow Plank for max time not to exceed 2:30

Partner Up for the next round

AMRAP Sit-Ups for 1 minute

AMRAP Squats for 2 minute

AMRAP Mericans for 1 minute


Shuttle Run as above


Touch Them Heels

Low Flutter


Trivia is always fun, and our little secret is that it provides PAX time to catch their breath.  However, Samsonite, while eager to answer, did cause the PAX some extra Burpees!!

All I saw was max effort this morning and it warms my heart, because I do care about the PAX fitness and hoepfully the beatdown exceeded the morning expectations

Hollywood is a favority AO of mine as it usually draws in the 20's…but today the numbers where unusually low – I will chaulk it up to spring break, and not because I was the Q 

The PAX nailed most of the trivia today, but stay tuned for there will be a traveling trivia extravaganza at the end of May as I will be rotating Q's across 6 AO's – more info to follow next month

Sorry we missed Holiday this AM, the show went on without him, but his spirit was present.  I look forward to the next Q here, until then "Stay Frosty"

THE END…And Roll Credits

