It’s dark and I can’t see your balls

Event Date

Apr 25, 2023


6 Pax showed up at Viking today for a ABSolutely ABnormal workout. (Disclaimer, bb titles do not represent YHC’s opinion, they only reflect statements made. How dare your mind take you to such a place…)

Here’s what the Pax were ABout:

Welcome/Disclaimer Warmarama (IC):

-SSH x 50 (100) Yes!

-Toy Soldier x20(40)

-IST x20(40)

-Slow Windmill x10

-Long Snapper/Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers/Lil’ Professor x10

Commander Run to the rock pile near the Tennis Courts (stop along the way to grab a rock and then Zamperini to the Tennis Court for…

Tennis Court Cage Escape Room:

Cover Side A of the courts with suicides, LBC’s (and eventually WWII’s) and draw a Tennis Ball at each court from the 40 ball lot with an exercise written on it for all Pax to do (some with a rock, some without). Repeato x AMRoundsAP.  The # of balls left at the end results in that # of Burpee penalties.

The Thang:

Court 1 Side A


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 2 Side A


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 3 Side A


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 1 Side B


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 2 Side B


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 3 Side B


-25 LBC’s

-Draw A Ball

14 rounds=350 LBC’s, lots of suicides, and  14 Tennis Ball exercises with numerous reps (some with blocks, some without).

Court 1 Side A


-25 WWII’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 2 Side A


-25 WWII’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 3 Side A


-25 WWII’s

-Draw A Ball

Court 1 Side B


-25 WWII’s

-Draw A Ball

4 rounds= 100 WWII’s, lots of suicides, and  4 Tennis Ball exercises with numerous reps (some with blocks, some without).

Mosey back to base. Do 5 burpees (because we aren’t sure how many we really should’ve done (see Moleskin).

Recover, Recover


It was dark as we dove into the AByss of the gloom @ #Viking.  It was so dark it was hard to see the balls. We did numerous ABdominal reps. The reps were just too many to count. It was also difficult to track because the discard bucket seemed to have more balls than the actual # of exercises done/drawn. I’m not a math major or anything, but it just didn’t add up. Did someone sneak some balls into the discard bucket to avoid said burpees at the end? Blasphemy!  Hippie seemed suspicious, like the dog with his ears back and head down when asked what just happened. He’s probably not a good Poker player. We learned today that either the Q can’t give good directions, or the Pax only hears what they want. Waffle House kept doing LBC’s after we transitioned to WWII’s and was wondering why he was so far ahead of the Pax. Meanwhile, Jersey Boy wanted to stack every exercise from each tennis ball and do all cumulatively before moving on to the next court.  Maybe he was just in beast mode, or would his wife say he just isn’t good at following directions?  Bag Boy seemed to do everything with ease. Dude is a stud. Chilly Willy said he felt that AB reps should be a mandatory requirement and added to the constitution. He loves AB/Core work. Even after the PB he still showed up and killed it! YHC is very proud of these ABled warriors today.


Prayer Requests:

-Unspokens among F3

-Pax who are caring for Parents with health issues


-World events-war

-Chilly Willy-1st week of new job


-F3 Dads camp coming up soon

– Habitat Home Build needs volunteers on 5/6 (contact Beave for more info)

-Curbside Cleanup in Smithville on 5/6 (contact Possum for more info)

-Join us May 15 & 16 to demo the old deck and build a new walkway in Statesville for Mr McAllister. Looking for 10 men on each day. Contact @GnarlyGoat to get on board! A grant from @thef3foundation made this possible. Hear from Mr. McAllister here:

Always great to start the day with my F3 brothers. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone,