It’s Geppetto’s fault.

Yesterday, I was somewhere outside Wadesboro, NC.  I was in a Taco Bell parkling lot.  Yes, the same infamous Taco Bell where Dewey broke his Taco Bell cherry, and Cupcakle ate a dozen tacos in less than 4 minutes on our way to the beach trip.  I texted Geppetto and asked him if he had a Q for the Monster Mile yet.  I was curious, because after a few days at the beach, I wasn't sure I could handle a savage beatdown.  He replied "Yes, you!".  Then he proceeded to post on Slack that I was going to Q.  So this morning, on the way to Mt Mourne, I remembered the horrid 4 corners workout from days of old, and dished it out to the 7 other Pax that had the stones to post.  

SSHx 15
Squats x10
Stretch, Davidson style

Run to the dreaded parking lot.

Corner one, 5 burpees
Corner two, 5 burpees, 10 jump squats
Corner three, 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 mericans
Corner four, 10 jump squats, 15 mericans, 20 dry docks
Corner five (back at the start), 10 jump squats, 15 mericans, 20 dry docs, 25 LBCs

We didnt have enough time to run the last lap so I bluffed (at Cupcake's suggestion) and pretended to run as if we were going to work our way down again.  Everyone followed me.  Except one.  Then it happened.  Deep End cracked.  He refused to follow for fear that we would run out of time. He stayed behind.  He ran left, then right.  We returned to the first corner looking for Deep End.  Geppetto went one way, and I went the other.  No Deep End.  We made it back to the flag to find a surprisingly calm Deep End waiting.  

Recover.  Recover. 

1.  Motorboat was concered we wouldnt have time for Mary.  Mary is dumb.  There I said it.  Like Cupcake, I've been thinking it for years. 
2.  I asked Totebag for a 10 count without a Boston accent.  Fail.  
3.  Cheez Whiz wasn't there.  Totebag had to do the workout instead of running.  He wasn't happy.  Pray for Cheez  
4.  If you did all the burpees today, you did 100.  Well done.  
5.  Prayers today for all the craziness in the world.  No wonder the Astronauts wanted to leave the planet.  
6.  See you at The Rock tomorrow for day two of the Mailman double header.  
