Eight HIM took yet another stroll down Clubber Lane this past Saturday. A few days late, but who is counting…right? Closer? The plan was to have both Denver AOs’ converge, however, only Mustang took part. Several PAX took part in the March Forth festivities at Westport (5k and 15k) TClaps to those hard chargers, and Skipper.
40 something IC SSH
Chinooks, big to small then reverse direction
Arm Circles
Michael Phelps
Mosey to blocks, yes blocks 27# concrete blocks item #10383 at Lowe’s
During the mosey, 2nd shift pulls in on two wheels…School Bus toot toot.
The Thang
Circle up with blocks all PAX plank while 2nd shift completes 45 IC SSH to “catch up” with the rest of us
Curls for girls 15 IC
Here comes Sally, complete one round of Sally merkin style
Line up on the bright white line and commence Blackjack: 1 merkin followed by a 50 yard dash to far side and complete 20 LBC. Run 50yds back and do 2 merkins, run, 19 LBC, etc. until counts are flipped = 20 merkins and 1 LBC.
Breaks were given; however block work was provided for the breaks: Skull crushers, curls, presses.
Ocasionally Q called for PAX to take block on the runs
Upon completion return blocks and mosey to pull up bar, all PAX complete 10 Pull-ups while others plank
Mosey to LP
10 IC Table Top Crunches
30 sec Mason Twist
15 IC Freddy Mercury
15 IC Peter Parkers
10 IC both sides Jane Fonda
Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Closer took a header with his block during a 50yrd run, twisted ankle on the uneven field.
C# should stay away from any track and field event
Need to revisit the meaning of “convergence”
Probably left out some, feel free to add to comments
Club-a-Dub aka Clubber aka CheddarBob aka Flubber