Its just one lap, why does it keep getting longer?

14 of Iso's fastest came out to Ludicrous Speed this morning where things got hot and steamy on the track, here's what went down.


Warm a rama

  • Mosey from parking lot to track, run a lap around the track
  • At the end of the first lap, Tantrum showed up ready to do some stretches. Although when he learned that YHC was the Q, there were some grunts and groans.
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Hillbilly x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC

The Thang

  • Run 1 lap around track
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • 10 Bonnie Blairs each leg
  • 5 Burpees
  • Repeato for a total of 6
    • Start your first lap in lane 1, 2, or 3. Each lap that follows should start in the next furthest lane out and stay in that lane for the entirety of the lap
      • Ex. Start in 1, lap 2 in 2, lap 3 in 3, etc.
    • The goal was to set a pace in that first lap and to maintain/beat that pace for each subsequent lap (YHC did not meet that goal)
  • Repeato all of that but without the exercises until time ran out
  • In total we all got somewhere between 2.5-3 miles

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Although there was some grumbles and groans when the PAX learned I was the Q (west siders tend to dislike my Q's) all PAX CRUSHED it today. This was a tough workout especially in the heat and y'all killed it.
  • Memo and Twilight are keeping to there 5 posts per week quota and are doing great!
  • Nice to meet Drebin today, great work out there!
  • I apologize to Tbone that I couldn't remember your name and had to ask many times, if it makes you feel any better I have trouble remembering my students names
  • Turnpike ran every lap in lane 8 and was flying! Nice work!
  • Baller is a big man and he can move, don't get in his way.
  • Snake Eyes and Baller had a race at the end of the last lap, not sure who won
  • Frogger cut across the field and got his shoes wet
  • Popcorn always crushing it and encouraging the PAX throughout!
  • Although Tantrum grumbled, he was consistently at the front of the pack!
  • Always enjoy seeing Stray, even though I tease about my age
  • Thanks Black Eyed Pea for the opportunity to lead, great work out there!

Until next time……. Mr. H
