“It’s just one suicide!”

14 of F3 Isotope's fittest and fastest PAX took on a single suicide, here's their story:

FNG-1: Stash
FNG-2: R2-D2

Donho, Lego and Turnpike met the 3 mile standard

Popcorn and other manly men met the 50 burpee standard

We gather up and mosey to the back of GCC


SSH x 15 IC
Imperial Storm Troopers x 10 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO
Dwight Schrutes x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Burpees x OYO
Mosey to the north west corner of the GCC parking lot


The Thang

The workout is simple, just 1 suicide. That’s it. Albeit, a very long one.. that took 40 minutes to complete. Here’s how it goes: Start with 5 burpees, and everytime you come back to the start do 5 burpees. The suicide consists of stopping at each row in the parking lot, come back, do 5 burpees, go to the following stop, come back, and so on, completing the following exercises:

25 Hand Release Merkins
25 WWII Situps
25 Low flutters
30 Squats
15 Lunges (each leg)
30 Freddy Mercurys
20 Shoulder tap Merkins
40 LBCs
20 Low dolly
10 Pull ups
10 Hanging leg raises
And a gift at the end of the road: 10 burpees



  • This was hard, but all PAX finished the challenge and are better for it.
  • Anytime there was complaining, Enron was there to remind the PAX that, "it's just one suicide!"
  • Auto and Donho took the FKT, I mean, slayed the dragon first? There's talk that every workout is turning into FKT. YHC isn't against it.
  • Good to see R2-D2 and Stash out, hope you guys can come out more!
  • Strong showing today from the Boat Gusters and Goat Busters alike.
  • We need a "Noticeably Absent" section in backblasts, perhaps that will be incorporated into the new F3 Isotope website, but for now, it's added below:
    • Noticeably Absent (with valid excuses): Tugs and Mr. Holland
    • Noticeably Absent (with not currently validated excuses): Jobe and Swingstate
  • Thanks to Cherrybomb for the opportunity to lead today and for the EH almost a year and a half ago. I don't know where I'd be without the guys of F3 Lake Norman.
  • With that being said, next month is FNG/Kotter month, let's EH some dudes and give this away!
  • Prayers up for Breakfast Club and Ducky's friend, who passed away this week.