It’s Like a Ladder

9 Gladiator Warriors joined to more than quadruple last week’s pax count.  A Back Blast isn’t officially late until the next time the Q leads a workout and hasn’t posted the BB from the previous one.  That’s straight from the F3 Manual given at Q-school in year 1.  Don’t believe me?  Look it up.  Here’s a short re-telling of this glorious morning’s routine:

Joggy-jog around the lot

Grab a block and circle-up

Warm-o-Rama w/ 50 SSH

Downward Dog

The Windmill

50 SSH


Low hover

Slow squat

Mosey to pull-up bars for: 

1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 1 Pull-up, 1 ‘Merican, Run to 1st peninsula an back,

2 Burpees, 2 Squats, 2 Pull-ups, 2 ‘Mericans, Run to 1st peninsula and back,

3 “…”

4 “…”

5 “…”

Mosey back to blocks

The full curl X 15

The overhead press X 15

Run around the lot

 The ful curl X 10

The overhead press X 10

Run around the lot

The chest press


Run around the lot

Partner sit-ups @ 25, swap and repeat

Block Squat

Run around the lot

More stuff, more stuff, more stuff.

One last round of 5 Burpees, 5 squats, 5 pull-ups, 5 ‘Mericans

Mosey to MARY after returning blocks to their homes.

MARY: Alternating crunch, WWII 

AND: GLADIATOR’S GO-TO, Most-requested exercise: The Blast-off ‘Merican

Recover x 2


Landline quickly recognized the ladder we did.  He’s got experience in these things.  

Razor overcame his fear of boot camps and did us the honor of posting

Tagless knew the workout would be too easy for him, so he grabbed a solo standard in advance

Toxic has the next Gladiator Q- be sure to support him if you don’t atten OG Week!

Aye.  (Thanks for reading this, Blackbeard)
