It’s Like a Sauna In Here!

Event Date

Feb 19, 2020

5 pax took a steam bath waiting in line at Qdoba before crushing things other than tacos at uptown #TacoTuesday.


  • YHC picked Qdoba with noon launch so Ramrod could more easily join the group once his pre lunch meeting ended, but then he ended up being the first pax to arrive.  The man loves his tacos.
  • YHC and Mort met up and the Green and made the trek down Tryon.
  • Roadie is Mr. Consistency.  Another man who loves some tacos.
  • Hoodie was last to arrive despite having the closest office to Qdoba.
  • FNG-1 = Coin Toss, who technically made it to Qdoba and was waiting in line when he got called away by an email.
  • Qdoba was super steamy, especially back by the food line.  Need to vent that place a little better.
  • At the recommendation of Swing State, YHC has gone with the burrito bowl the last 2-3 trips to Qdoba, and it is pretty solid, but YHC was envious of Hoodie's burrito.
  • We were missing some of the regulars this week, e.g., Jaws and Squiggy, as well as Turnpike, who during one of his last visits to Qdoba just threw his leftover food right on the floor before leaving!  Ask him about it….. 🙂
